The best porn site you'll ever see. Virgins, S&M, Bestiality. All here.

So, update on my attempt to discuss Christianity with people who call themselves Christians.

I'm on this site:

And discussing the situation posted below.

As most discussions do, this one goes off topic, talking about how the antiquated idea that a wife has to submit to her husband.

And, guess what?

As soon as they didn't like my ideas - as soon as they couldn't argue with what I was saying - they banned me!

Bunch of pigfuckers.

4 Thoughts:

Blogger Alex Ludd said...

Oh, yes, I'm sure they were intimidated by your brilliant language and mastery of four letter words. It couldn't possibly be that you violated this "retard"s privacy or that your body odor offended them.

10/06/2005 6:28 PM  
Blogger Avitable said...

Sure. Posting a message on a public discussion board gives you any right to privacy.

I don't know why they wouldn't love the smell of gorilla sweat. It seems to turn your mom on when I'm fucking her in the ass.

10/06/2005 6:45 PM  
Blogger jhaggard76 said...

So what exactly did you say to be band?

10/07/2005 2:23 AM  
Blogger Avitable said...

It wasn't any one thing. But I was bringing up holes in their arguments (like what if there is a marriage where they're both 18, the woman has an IQ of 180 and the husband is a drooling retard? Does she submit to him then?)

So instead of actually using intelligent debate to discuss these issues with me, they looked at my profile and saw the link to this blog.

Then they started calling it pornographic, and the funny thing is - they linked to it in the forum. I didn't, unless you went into my profile and found it on your own.

So then I got banned for trolling, flaming, and faith icon violation. I'm not sure what the last one means - I was supposed to get a warning first, but they decided to fuck the rules and just ban me outright.

Never mind the fact that I had been posting for four days without inciting anything - I never met the definition of a troll or flame at all.

But anything that might disturb their pretty little world and can't be dealt with must just be removed.

It must be nice to be that delusional.

10/07/2005 7:07 AM  


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