Now I know I'm old

Our tile is done! And the fact that I'm excited about that means I should just put on my Depends, turn on Matlock, and eat my bran. Fuck.

Our carpet was old when we bought the house, and in the last 2 years, we only made it worse with a puppy. Our living room and dining room look much newer and bigger with tile. And now, with less puppy urine!

And now, for your continued boredom, are some before and after shots. The tile hasn't been cleaned officially since the grout isn't yet dry (and Amy's not home to clean it), but just imagine it being even prettier! (Moved it behind a link because the pictures can take a minute to load since they're big files.)













6 Thoughts:

Blogger Beth said...

or you could've always just kept your puppy outside ;)

4/21/2006 5:22 PM  
Blogger Avitable said...

That's crazy talk. She's an indoor dog - how can she sleep in the bed with us if she's outside all the time?

4/21/2006 5:25 PM  
Blogger Su said...

What a cute post... a little Martha Stewart, but so nice to see that you're giving in to your bourgeois side! ;)

4/22/2006 12:56 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Well, I'm allergic to dogs so I'm biased. I just think having animals in the house (unless they're in a tank) is nasty. I think I'm just aware of all their germs and hair and urine and junk because of my allergies... I can't go to anyone's house who has had a dog or cat in their house in the past 6 months...that's how long it takes to get the animal's hair and dander completely out of the house. So John wants a dog, and we're going to have a baby instead. Once we have a nice yard where we can get a dog house and go play with it, we'll get a dog.

But the tile does look nicer, and bigger.

4/22/2006 1:15 AM  
Blogger Avitable said...

Beth: Allergies make sense. The germs aren't any different than people germs, and once the dog's trained, there is no urine issue. Our dog will hold it until we let her outside now, but when she was a puppy, a few accidents just moved the carpet along to well-stained.

Su: I'm definitely bourgeois. I'm a high-maintenance, higher-income, snooty bastard. :)

4/22/2006 6:08 AM  
Blogger Avitable said...

It is satisfying. Any time I can find a good handyman or decorator who does good work, we come up with more and more projects for them, because it's so nice to see your house evolve.

4/23/2006 6:46 PM  


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